"This Simple Fat Loss Method Helped Me
Shrink My Waist By A Full 5 Inches"

Hi, my name’s Sarah. I’m a 42 year old stay at home mom living in Kentucky.

Recently, my friend Judy told me about this simple little fat loss method she read about in a woman’s magazine. When she told me what it was, I was very skeptical.

I mean… How many times have we been told about a new ‘miracle’ method that can help you ‘drop a dress size’? Ugh. If you’re anything like me, you’ve tried everything under the sun--fad diets, ab crunches, eating nothing but popcorn (yeah I got that one from Madonna!)

But this method is something else. I’m living proof of that, and so are these ladies...

Jessica Alba does it. She uses this method to maintain her slim, slender and sexy figure...

Beyoncé uses it too. She dropped all her baby weight with this technique alone.

And actress Kate Hudson dropped 3 dress sizes after putting this method to the test.

What is their secret?

Well, they didn’t follow a fad diet, struggle through some gruelling eating regime, and they certainly didn’t starve themselves of their favorite foods.

In fact, what they did takes very little effort at all. (I should know)

They simply added more whole foods in to their diet... but in a way that turned their bodies into blasting fat-burning furnaces.

First, let me ask you a question. How many times did you try to lose weight by eating veggies and fruit only?

I guess, at least few times? You managed to lose some weight and then gained it all back right? And in the end you gave up?

I don’t blame you, I was in the same boat too.

You see there are few reasons why eating vegetables and fruit only is not a good idea:

Firstly, it takes so much of your time preparing different salads every single day. Cleaning, peeling and chopping vegetables and fruit every day will become a tedious task and you will give up eventually.

Secondly, maintaining a vegetable and fruit only diet is very expensive. To get most out of it, it’s necessary to use organic ingredients only that may cost you an arm and a leg.

Thirdly, you won’t get enough calories and essential nutrients, thus turning your body’s starvation mode on and instead of losing weight, you will gain it all back.

After all I’m not saying that eating vegetables and fruit only is not good, it’s just very hard to maintain in order to lose weight forever.

Fortunately, there’s an EASIER and FASTER way to do it... and it’s near-effortless.

Did you ever try to blend up fruit and veggies together to make a green smoothie? It may come as a surprise to you, but these green shakes are an effortless way to lose weight.

And if you blend them CORRECTLY they can serve as a meal replacement that‘s full of essential nutrients. I bet having a delicious smoothie once a day is more tempting than munching a mountain of salads :)

On top of that you don‘t have to replace all of your meals with green smoothies, it‘s enough to replace only ONE of your meal per day to start losing weight fast. No more excessive cleaning, peeling and chopping in order to make a meal. Just put right ingredients in a blender, spin for a minute and enjoy!

Sounds too good to be true? But it isn‘t...

Instagram models and celebrities always use green smoothies to lose weight fast and maintain their sexy figures.

Think about it, why would they bother uploading photos to their social media profiles of them holding a half-full mason jar of this green goodness if it wouldn‘t work and make them proud for it?

Heck, this blog post wouldn‘t even exist if smoothies were not helping to lose weight...

Green smoothies work INCREDIBLY WELL for weight loss. And you have to try them for yourself to believe it.

First off, if you want to try green smoothies you SHOULDN‘T just trust random smoothie recipes found online because most of them contain unhealthy ingredients that make you GAIN weight. And you don‘t want that!

Instead, try recipes that are BALANCED, have the RIGHT ingredients in them and are backed by a Certified Health Professional.

Wondering where to find THE BEST weight loss smoothie recipes?

I used the recipes from The Smoothie Diet program by Health Coach Drew who is a Board Certified Professional Health Coach.

I found a lot of positive feedback on Drew and his program and the fact that the Smoothie Diet costs nowhere near the price of other weight loss programs like Weight Watchers or Noom made this choice a no-brainer.

And it was the best decision ever!

After the FIRST WEEK of going through the program:

- I lost 8 pounds without starving myself...

- My taste buds reset, I wasn‘t craving for something ‘sweet’...

- I had so much energy through out the day. And...

- My skin started to glow.

It’s been two months now, I lost 30 pounds in total and shrank my waist by a full 5 inches!

"I feel sexy and I know I look great naked!"

Want to know more about the Smoothie Diet by Health Coach Drew? Click on the video below to watch the FREE presentation.

It will only be LIVE for a limited-time. I think he’s running a special promotion.

So if you want to lose a few pounds with as very little effort as possible...

Just slip on your headphones, kick back, and let the soft, comforting vocals sculpt your body into the figure you thought you had back in high school.

Turn up your speakers and click the play button to watch now.

Good luck!

-- Sarah